5 Mistakes Using Foundation That Makes Clumping

JAKARTA – Clumped or cakey foundation makes the appearance no longer support self-confidence. When you have experienced it, of course it makes abstract lines on the face, skin looks textured, and pores look so clear. Although you don't need to take a special course to learn how to apply makeup, you do need to know the mistakes that cause foundation not to stick to your skin perfectly.

Basically, as reported by Cosmopolitan, cakey foundation is not due to wearing too much makeup. But because it's too thick to apply foundation. Well, another mistake that is often made when applying facial foundation is below.

1. Blending is not finished yet

Applying unfinished foundation or blending can wreak havoc on the appearance of your facial skin. Wearing foundation requires patience until it is used and sticks perfectly to the skin.

Most recommended, use a wet applicator sponge to make it softer on the skin. You can also reapply to make sure every inch of the skin is covered evenly without being cakey.

2. Leaving the skin less hydrated

Concealer under the eyes intends to make the color of the makeup evenly distributed, instead of sticking to it smooth it looks crusty and chalky. When experiencing this, what the skin needs is hydration or moisture. The trick, use a facial spray or tones that contain moisturizer. It helps reduce fine lines, looks clear and smoothes out foundation powder and concealer residue.

Illustration of the causes of lumpy or cakey foundation (Unsplash/Fleur Kaan)
3. Not taking care of the skin properly

Each character of the skin requires different care, but it needs to be done properly. The most important thing is to clean your face after activities or before going to bed at night. Perform the steps and sequence of skincare correctly so that the skin receives various types of makeup properly.

4. Mistaken over oily skin

When applying makeup, for those of you with oily skin, in the first place, apply moisturizer, followed by loose powder, setting spray, primer, foundation. This method may not work optimally on dry skin. But for oily skin, the trick can be more durable and cakey-free.

5. Pile up the foundation

Foundation clumps in the nose on oily skin, due to accumulation of foundation. This makes the pile too thick and makes the fracture look less aesthetic. So, gently pat the shiny nose with a wet sponge first.

Continue by wearing only a light powder. Don't use colors with different tones. Then, just apply the remaining foundation on the applicator. Avoid stacking liquid foundation because it will make the texture uneven.

That's a common mistake made when wearing foundation, the effect is cakey.