Dear Doctor Tirta, Jerinx Leaves A Message Asking For Responsibility

JAKARTA - Doctor Tirta had stated that he refused to be involved in the threat case through electronic media by Jerinx to Adam Deni. He was disappointed because his name was brought up in the case.

But on the other hand, Jerinx thinks that Doctor Tirta should be involved because he has participated in making the photo of Adan Deni viral which is considered insulting to Jokowi. After undergoing a trial at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, February 2 afternoon, the man whose full name is I Gede Aris Astina warned Tirta not to run away from his responsibilities.

"I give a warning, if Tirta does not want to be a witness, it means that one is protecting the insults of the President, two he is protecting the suspect who is being detained, so Tirta don't just shout behind his back, be a witness, gentlemen like that, don't run away from responsibility," said Jerinx.

According to Jerinx, the attitude of refusing to get involved in his case with Adam Deni some time ago was an act of cowardice. Therefore, his attorney will send a letter to Tirta to participate as an expert witness.

"You will be summoned, right, the one who went viral on Adam Deni's photo insulting Mr. Jokowi is Tirta in 2020. It is the responsibility of him who went viral and continues to wash his hands arbitrarily, it's a very unchivalrous act. Right, he's the toughest, talking loudly, come here and prove it, right? be a witness," he said.

"Next week we will submit the letter," added Sugeng Teguh Santoso as Jerinx's attorney.

Going forward, Jerinx still has to continue his trial at the Central Jakarta District Court on Monday, February 7, with the agenda of witness statements from the Public Prosecutor. After experiencing delays because the witnesses were unable to attend.