Use Of Electric Vehicles At G20 Encourages Application Of Alternative Energy In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The use of electric vehicles at the G20 Summit in Bali is expected to be the beginning of the widespread use of alternative energy-based vehicles in Indonesia. This is also a serious concern for Transportation Observer Djoko Setijowarno.

"The use of electric vehicles in the G20 means Indonesia's serious efforts to show the world. We hope that it will encourage the use of alternative energy in the future," Djoko said when contacted by Antara in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 1.

Djoko said, increasing the use of environmentally friendly vehicles in Indonesia can be done in a number of ways. In addition to the use of electric-based vehicles, this can also be done through the use of gas-fueled or solar-powered vehicles.

According to him, the use of electric vehicles needs to be coupled with efforts to generate electricity from new and renewable energy (EBT) so as to reduce the impact of climate change.

"When we talk about clean air, we use solar power (solar cell). If a vehicle is based on electricity but the source of electricity is coal, it is the same as dirty energy," he said.

The head of the MTI Center for Advocacy and Community Affairs appreciated the government's steps to encourage the widespread use of environmentally friendly vehicles.

However, policies from upstream to downstream are needed regarding the use of electric vehicles, including the relatively expensive price of vehicles, as well as the availability of Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) which are considered inadequate.

"The most important thing now is to shift the use of private vehicles to public transportation. Along with that, it is accompanied by the choice of the type of vehicle, whether it's electric or something else," he concluded.

Indonesia was chosen as the venue for the 2022 G20 group of countries meeting. The world-class event will be held in Bali, with one of the discussion themes, namely realizing clean energy, or what is known as new and renewable energy (EBT).

The issue of clean energy was chosen by Indonesia because the world is currently under threat from climate change and global warming.