Fake Walls At SMAN Tawangmangu, Ganjar Pranowo: If You Weren't An Engineer, You'd See It Would Be 'Wow Nice'

SEMARANG - Governor Ganjar Pranowo warned contractors implementing projects in Central Java to have integrity. Ganjar doesn't want it, the poor quality of work he found during the inspection of the Tawangmangu High School building, Sunday (30/1) yesterday spread to other places.

"This is a warning to all, so I ask that the OPD who have work must be checked because a few days earlier we asked for a check," said Ganjar, Semarang, Monday, January 31.

He promised to carry out regular inspections. This includes the staff. Society should not accept the work of perfunctory.

“When people see the building, if they are not engineers, they will say 'Wow, that's great'. Everyone who entered the school yesterday did not say it was not good, all of them said it was good. When I saw the details, I said this is not good. Now I order a check, yes, a small, technical audit," explained Ganjar Pranowo.

Regarding the results of the inspection at Tawangmangu High School yesterday, Ganjar, who is from the PDI-P, asked the contractor to immediately improve his work.

"If today he has six months to prepare, then I make sure that I don't accept the quality. Yesterday I called to repair so we need continuous control. Why do eras like this erase, not thuthuki," said Ganjar Pranowo in his statement.

Ganjar also sent a team to oversee and supervise the repair of the Tawangmangu High School building.

“We sent a complete team of us, our engineers asked us to check and then our inspectorate checked, our service checked, and now someone is there. I asked to call the supervisor, call the contractor," said Ganjar.

Asked about the contractor's answer after his inspection yesterday, Ganjar admitted that he had not received any clarification. Ganjar firmly asked the contractor to immediately take responsibility.

“(The reason for the contractor?) Yes, I don't know, I haven't found it yet. He said it was done. Done what? As soon as I was notified, it didn't look like esbes, when I kicked it, I called, you fix it or punish it," said Ganjar Pranowo.