Unlisted Apps On App Store Now Allowed For Apple Users

JAKARTA - Apple has just allowed applications not listed in the App Store to be accessed with a link. The company announced this update via its official developer website.

This rule is useful for developers who distribute apps for non-public use. Such apps will not appear in App Store categories, recommendation charts, search results, or any listings.

Apps can also be accessed through Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager. Developers will be able to distribute apps to a limited audience, which could include part-time employees, partners, business affiliates, or conference attendees.

Additionally, applications may be distributed to employee-owned devices that may not qualify for Mobile Device Management (MDM) based platforms.

According to Apple, the new distribution method is ideal for applications designed for specific organizations, special events, research studies, and other similar use cases.

The feature is currently only available on request. Developers must submit a request to receive links for unregistered apps.

Apple said unregistered apps should be ready for distribution, the company would reject any apps in beta or pre-release status.

Developers will be able to create unregistered distribution links for new and existing apps. If the request is approved, the application distribution method will change to "Unregistered Application" for current and future versions. If the app is already registered in the App Store, the main list will not change.

But what is the application review process like? It is claimed, Apple has taken a hands off approach to applications distributed with enterprise certificates, until they saw mass abuse. Thus compiled from Engadget, Sunday, January 30.