'Thank God I Can Eat From The Police. Haven't Eaten All Day, Said One GMBI Member When He Arrived At The Central Java Police After The Demonstration At The West Java Police

SEMARANG - A total of 168 members of the Indonesian Bottom Society Movement (GMBI) mass organization involved in rioting at the West Java Police Headquarters arrived at Central Java Police Headquarters, Friday, January 28, noon.

The 168 GMBI members came from several areas in Central Java, plus a number of people from Kuningan Regency and Majalengka Regency, West Java.

Before being returned to their respective regions, the members were collected at the Central Java Police Headquarters for data and guidance regarding their actions in front of the West Java Police Headquarters yesterday.

The GMBI members were given humane treatment from the Central Java Police. Those who came were given treatment by the Central Java Regional Police Biddokes and were then given lunch in the form of boxed rice.

Hundreds of people from GMBI at the Central Java Regional Police for data were given and given directions/ Photo: Doc. Central Java Police

"Thank God, I was able to eat from the police. I haven't eaten all day," said Sarifulloh, a member of GMBI from Brebes Regency after receiving food at the Central Java Police Headquarters, Friday, January 28.

Furthermore, GMBI members who are Muslim are also given the opportunity to perform Friday prayers at the Borobudur Building, Central Java Police Headquarters. Of course with the escort of officers.

Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi met hundreds of GMBI members and left a number of messages in front of the Ditreskrimum Building.

"Your right to express your opinion is protected by law, and the police who secure it are in order to protect all of you. Don't be hostile," said the Central Java Police Chief.

Ahmad Luthfi added that in expressing opinions in public one must also respect the freedom of other people's rights.

"You must not block roads, damage public facilities or state facilities. You must be ethical, you must not convey swearing and dirty words," added the Kapolda, greeted by the nod of the GMBI crowd.

The Regional Police Chief asked that the demonstration must comply with the applicable laws and regulations. So that activities can run in an orderly and smooth manner and aspirations can be conveyed properly.

"And the most important thing is to maintain unity and integrity. It is not allowed to divide and clash with other mass organizations, let alone against the officers who secure it," he stressed.

Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi met hundreds of GMBI members and left a number of messages in front of the Ditreskrimum Building. Photo: Doc. Central Java Police

After the data is collected, hundreds of GMBI members will be returned to their homes under police escort.

"Coordinate with the local regional police. Guard and deliver them back to their doorsteps," said the Kapolda to a number of Central Java Police officials who accompanied the two-star general.