NU Cadres Gus Salam And Gus Kautsar Resign From PBNU Management

SURABAYA - Two young cadres of East Java Nahdlatul Ulama, KH Abdus Salam Shohib (Gus Salam) and Abdurrohman Al-Kautsar (Gus Kautsar), have resigned from the PBNU management for the period 2022-2027. accompanying Rais and the Chair of the East Java PWNU," said Gus Salam who is also the Deputy Chair of the East Java PWNU quoted by Antara, Friday, January 28. Meanwhile, Gus Kautsar said that the one who ordered to remain solemn at the East Java PWNU was KH Nurul Huda Djazauli. just please kerso him because we are far more pirso (understanding the inner and outer) of our quality than ourselves. Sam'an wa Tha'atan (listening and obeying)," he said. Gus Kautsar is the son of KH Nurul Huda Djazuli, who is also an Islamic boarding school caregiver Al Falah Ploso Mojo Kediri. Meanwhile, Gus Salam is the son of KH Sohib Bisri, who is also the grandson of KH Bisri Syamsuri (Founder of Mambaul Maarif Islamic Boarding School Denanyar Jombang and Rais Aam PBNU 1970-1980). KH Nurul Huda has also written a sura t officially to Rais Aam PBNU KH Miftachul Akhyar and the General Chairperson of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf, dated January 13, 2022. On January 18, Gus Kautsar and Gus Salam had conveyed about leaving PBNU at a meeting in Lirboyo.

As is known, a number of figures in the ranks of the East Java PWNU have received the mandate to strengthen the ranks of the PBNU management for the next five years. As announced by the General Chairperson of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf some time ago, there is the name of Prof. Akh Muzakki (Secretary of East Java PWNU as Deputy Secretary General of PBNU), KH Reza Ahmad Zahid (Vice Chairman of PWNU East Java as Deputy Secretary General of PBNU, including KH Anwar Iskandar (Deputy of Rais PWNU East Java as Deputy Rais Aam PBNU). Then, other names are Prof. Abd A'la, KH Ahmad Fahrur Rozi, and KH Ma'shum Abdullah Faqih and other cadres.

PWNU East Java then held a special meeting at the Lirboyo Islamic Boarding School, Kediri, a joint meeting of syuriah and tanfidziah. The meeting continued with a joint meeting at the East Java PWNU, on January 25, 2022. On that occasion, Katib Syuriah of the East Java PWNU KH Syafruddin Syarif reminded the importance of NU running according to the applicable AD/ART rules. Kiai Syafruddin emphasized the importance of promoting young cadres, including accommodating the role of pesantren leaders scattered in various regions in East Java in order to strengthen the ranks of PWNU.