JAKARTA - The victory of the Andra Soni-Achmad Dimyati Natakusumah pair is said to be the biggest surprise in the 2024 simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). The quick count results are far different from the electability survey before voting day.
In addition, the victory of the Andra Soni-Achmad Dimyati Natakusumah pair shows that the Banten region needs an objective leader who is able to lead Banten in a better direction with a democratic perspective. The support given to certain families is often based on historical heritage, and the impact actually narrows the space for democracy.

Young activist from South Tangerang, Achmad Fanani said that Banten society has started to be politically aware with the victory of the Andra Soni - Dimyati Natakusumah pair and did not choose figures who have close ties with Ratu Atut's family. He added with the advancement of Airin Rachmi Diany, the wife of Tubagus Chaeri Wardhana alias Wawan, who is Ratu Atut's younger brother.
"Airin's advancement in the Banten political arena has the potential to open a wide path for political dynasties to flourish again. This is a step backward for democracy that has begun to improve after the collapse of Ratu Atut's dynasty," Fanani told VOI, Tuesday, December 3.
Dynasty in Banten is a phenomenon that passes on power to family members known as political dynasty. This Banten Dynasty was formed by Ratu Atut Chosiyah's father, Chasan Sochib, who succeeded in building a strong power network. This dynasty has the form of the Octopussy Dynasty, which was built by utilizing the power network that had been built by Tubagus Chasan Sochib, Atut's father.
In 2013, Ratu Atut and her brother Tubagas Cheiril Wardana alias Wawan were arrested by the Anti-Corruption Commissioner in the bribery case of Constitutional Court judge Aqil Mokhtar related to the regional head election (pilkada) dispute in Lebak Regency, Banten Province and corruption in the procurement of health equipment and other goods in Banten Province from 2011 to 2013.
Kinship in dynasty politics in Banten affects political stability, resulting in politics in the province going backwards and only relying on the blood and descendants of a handful of people, and a culture of democracy and transparency can influence.
Director of Rumah Politik Indonesia Fernando Emas expressed his concern about the strong influence of family politics which is considered to be injuring the principles of democracy in Banten. Fernando hopes that with the victory of the Andra Soni - Dimyati Natakusumah pair, the province which has long been closely associated with kin-based power can be more democratically advanced and the image of the region belonging to a certain family will fade.
"Banten does not belong to one family, it does not belong to a group of people, although Mr. Haji Chasan was one of those who supported the formation of the Banten province at that time," said Fernando in a written statement, Friday, November 22.
He added that political dynasties never prioritize the interests of the people. They, he continued, prioritize their families, so social justice for the wider community will be difficult to achieve.
"This is our joint task to fight dynasty politics, because they will prioritize their families first, so don't expect social justice for all the people," said Fernando.
One of the causes of the emergence of the Banten Dynasty political system is because the level of political participation of the Banten community in the 2015 and 2017 regional elections was below 65%, making the political dynasty that was built even stronger and making it difficult for people to occupy important positions in politics.
Airin is a real symbol of the rise of the political dynasty in Banten. Founder of Nusa Ina Connection, Abdullah Kelrey emphasized that political dynasties are closely related to corruption, collusion and nepotism, so everyone knows that Airin's husband, Tubagus Chaeri Wardhana alias Wawan, who is the younger brother of Ratu Atut, has a bad track record with corruption cases that have put him behind bars.
"If his wife, Mrs. Airin, later becomes governor, can we be sure that she is not corrupt? People who have experienced the pleasure of corruption will definitely find it difficult to escape. Moreover, Mrs. Airin herself when she was mayor, if law enforcers are serious, there may be many things that can be revealed," he explained.
Kelrey added that the Banten community needs to realize that political dynasties not only damage the democratic system, but also create an environment where people's aspirations are difficult to channel. He said that even holding protests in Banten often faced major obstacles.
The Figure Behind Andra Soni's Victory

The unknown figure of Andra Soni suddenly managed to defeat the beautiful figure of Airin who resembles Ken Dedes. The victory received by the pair Andra Soni and Dimyati Natakusumah was not part of a coincidence. There was another figure mentioned who was the determinant, who is currently the Daily Chair of the Gerindra Party, Sufi Dasco Ahmad.
Andra did not deny Dasco's important role in his victory. Andra openly admitted that Dasco was his political mentor. It should be noted that Dasco, who is now the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, has been registered as a member of the House of Representatives from the Banten Electoral District for three terms.
"So far, it has been Mr. Dasco who is diligent and goes down to the electoral district. He visits constituents and networks that have been built for a long time," said Andra to VOI via his written message.
In addition to Dasco's crucial role, Andra acknowledged and felt the assistance from the coalition of supporting parties during the campaign period until the voting day.
"My popularity level is low, what increases it is certainly the assistance from the coalition party. Until the day, they were very helpful in consolidating their networks,” said Andra.
Dasco also did not deny the interference in the Banten gubernatorial election. For Dasco, the people of Banten are an important part of his political career until he was able to become a member of the DPR for three terms
“It just so happens that because I know how Banten is and so far the communication with DPRD II and DPRD I has been good, so they also work all out for Prabowo, the result is like this. In addition, apart from Gerindra, there is the KIM Plus machine which of course also works,” said Dasco in a voice message delivered to VOI.
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