After discussing how TikTok has become a money machine through "Making Money from TikTok", it is incomplete if you don't follow Charli D'Amelio's footsteps as the queen of universal TikTok. The final article of VOI's "TikTok Stage Up Tactics" edition, can you now imitate Charli's way of becoming a TikTok celebrity three years ago?
Charli D'Amelio is the most shining TikTok star in the world. The girl born on May 1, 2004 is one of the TikTok stars with the most followers. His followers reached 111.6 million. Almost equivalent to half the population of the country of Indonesia. Charly D'Amelio is also known as the TikTok Queen of the world. Most interestingly, he started to dominate the youth market with a number of endorsements and partnerships. The question is, why is this girl who is just about to celebrate sweet seventeen so famous. Is the method still relevant to be imitated by other tiktokers who are just starting out now?
Charli Grace D'Amelio was born in the state of Connecticut, United States (US). As the youngest of two children, Charli D'Amelio is very talented in dancing. His dancing talent then led Charli D; Amelio to participate in various competitions. However, the results were not very satisfying. All changed when in 2018, 14-year-old Charli D'Amelio uploaded his first video. After a few months, Charli D'Amelio and his entire family became very famous in the world thanks to the platform from China.
At its peak, Charli D'Amelio was followed by 111.6 million followers on TikTok. Charli D'Amelio is described as a genius in many ways. Mainly, in making dance videos. Starting from silly dances, choreographed dances, solo dances, group dances, to dances that are currently trending. the whole dance was then combined by Charlie with popular songs.
"I've been a competition dancer my whole life. I know a lot of people don't know that I learned to dance outside of TikTok, but it's something I definitely want to do more of," said Charlie D'Amelio. April.
Launching The Washington Post, Thursday, April 1, Charli D'Amelio's simplicity determines his success on TikTok. Because, on many occasions Charlie D'Amelio often videos his day. Which, in its simplicity, Charlie's father often asked him to do homework, including making the bed. The two of them, in the eyes of the audience, are like friends.
In fact, such a scene has attracted many people to participate in all kinds of activities from Charlie D'Amelio and family. Even so, it is undeniable that its success is partly due to several regional lockdown policies due to COVID-19 which have encouraged users who normally access websites to spend more time on mobile applications.
Not only in dancing content. Charli D'Amelio started to explore many things. He then entered the world of beauty. Moreover, since starting to get endorsement and collaborating with well-known brands. As a result, whatever Charli D'Amelio does, everything will become relevant to the lives of millions of young people around the world. In that sense, the touch in each product that is promoted, the marketing will increase.
Charli D'Amelio is increasingly popular when he appears to be dancing on stage with world singer Bebe Rexha at the Jonas Brother concert and invited to talk shows on television. For the world, Charli D'Amelio later became a new charm. In the fame of Charlie D'Amelio we can draw a common thread, that the main key to his success is beautiful, young, talented, simple, caring for others and most importantly unique.
Famous way on TikTokDuring its development, TikTok has experienced a shift in utilization sessions. If initially TikTok was filled with a lot of entertainment content. However, now TikTok expresses a lot of things. Whether it's political views or other issues on TikTok. Regarding this, we contacted social media observer Ismail Fahmi. From him we get information related to the image of social media that is loved by millennial and generation Z children. What's more, to become celebrities on TikTok.
According to Ismail Fahmi, the main advantage of TikTok is the attention spend of its users, or the time to focus on watching. In that sense, millennials love TikTok-style short videos. For example, millennial children who are married are now looking for recipes no longer on Youtube. They prefer to look for it on TikTok.

They don't like it too long, like on Youtube. However, when I saw the recipe on TikTok then I liked it. Fast is for him. To see the whole recipe, they just need to press the pause button and see all the seasonings.
"So, why is it so massive. Because following developments. Psychologically, attention spend is also getting shorter. They can no longer concentrate for too long. Youtube is still a bit long in terms of duration. The short duration is the advantage of TikTok. Moreover, other advantages are shared. So people don't have to log in there. And then the videos are short, easy to share with other places, ”said Ismail Fahmi when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, March 31.
The creator only needs to compose the video with the addition of music, so the video becomes fun. This has become the main ingredient for TikTok videos to spread to various other platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram). For this reason, TikTok is known more as a content distributor. People need those who are on demand and can share. Incidentally that's what's on TikTok. So, TikTok is easy to go viral, even cross-platform.
Ismail Fahmi also added when someone wants to go viral like other TikTok stars. then the content must be unique. uniqueness is a plus for creators to get a lot of followers, even if in practice the content is annoying. However, because it repeats itself, it will continue to be remembered in the brains of people who will indirectly be followed by every upload.
"Actually, if you want to be viral, the content must be unique. So, if he can be unique, never before, new, even though it sucks. But if people keep remembering the name, a style that is easy to stick to the head, even though it's not fun but really sticks. It will stick around. Like Sisca Kohl, people hate her style. But that's why he's going viral. Virality doesn't have to be something that is extraordinarily attractive, and it doesn't have to be beautiful, but it has to stick in the head and it will become a trendsetter, "concluded Ismail Fahmi.
Follow this issue's Writing Series: TikTok's Upstage Tactics
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