JAKARTA - Apart from the son of a president, Gibran Rakabuming Raka is known as a superstar in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). His viral action sparked the audience of the inaugural debate between presidential candidates by swinging their hands as a sign of an invitation to be more boisterous after the explanation of Prabowo Subianto's presidential candidate regarding the Constitutional Court's decision until accusations of using aids in participating in the vice presidential debate.

The figure of Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who has been underestimated, has succeeded in answering all the doubts of his supporters and opening the eyes of critics. Joko Widodo's eldest son was able to master the debate stage for the vice president candidate held by the KPU at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Senayan, Jakarta.

The vice presidential debate carries the theme of the Economy of the Economy, Digital Economy, Finance, Tax Investment, Trade, Management of the APBN/APBD, Infrastructure, and Urban.

Gibran's success in eating all the debate material held on Friday, (22/12) was considered inseparable from his work as a businessman who started his business from below and his role as Mayor of Solo.

Deputy Commander of the National Campaign Team (TKN) of Young Voters (Fanta) Prabowo-Gibran, Ryano Panjaitan explained that a 36-year-old man, a vice presidential candidate from Prabowo Subianto, is an intelligent figure. He said that the economic field is one of the sciences that Gibran understands is not mere narrative and rhetoric.

"Mas Gibran's track record, during his time as mayor of Surakarta, Surakarta's economy is extraordinary. Now 6.25 percent, higher than the national economic growth of 5.3 percent. Central Java Province's economic growth is only 5.3 percent, DKI is only 5.2 percent," Ryano told VOI in his written statement.

Deputy Chairman of the TKN Expert Council Prabowo-Gibran, Budiman Sudjatmiko, explained that Jokowi's eldest son had prepared to discuss all the materials that had been prepared by the two teams. "The material connection for the debate has been prepared by Mas Gibran. He has a special team from Solo and is combined with the National Campaign Team (TKN)," said Budiman Sudjatmiko in a written statement.

Gibran's sharpness in providing answers and questions to his two opponents of the debate seemed to show a politician with experience on a national scale. Budiman explained that apart from studying all the debate material provided, Gibran was also asked to discuss with several parties. Unfortunately, Gibran's discussion partner was not clearly mentioned.

"To sharpen the understanding of debate material, Gibran was asked to discuss with several parties that had been prepared by the expert team," he said.

Prabowo-Gibran Paslon's Superior Program

The free lunch program is one of the flagship vision and mission of the Prabowo-Gibran pair in the 2024 General Election. In his social media account, Gibran seems very active in sharing information that lunch at all schools must be free.

In one of the uploads on his social media, the vice presidential candidate from Prabowo Subianto explained that the free lunch program in each school has started in several countries. The free lunch program is one of the flagship vision and mission of the Prabowo-Gibran pair in the 2024 General Election. Departing from this interesting program, Gibran is quite active in sharing information regarding the importance of free lunch in schools.

Through his upload on December 12, Gibran conveyed UN information that the school lunch program had been run by several countries. "There are as many as 76 countries that have implemented free lunch programs and 418 million children have been helped from this program," said Gibran in his upload.

Chairman of the Prabowo-Gibran National Campaign Team (TKN) Rosan Perkasa Roeslani said the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 2 are committed to providing free healthy lunch every day until the last day of the campaign on February 10, 2024.

"At TKN Prabowo-Gibran the principle in our campaign is that it is obligatory to provide direct benefits for others and many people according to their needs. So it is not for our own interests that are prioritized. That is in accordance with the principle of kinship and the principle of mutual cooperation," he said.

Later, if Prabowo-Gibran is elected as President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia 2024-2029, the program will be one of the government policies that is prioritized with a budget of IDR 400 trillion per year or approximately IDR 1.1 trillion per day.

Between Memorizing Material And Using Ear Feeder (earfeeder)

Roy Suryo's tweet during the vice presidential debate on Friday (22/12) immediately caused a stir and drew various responses. In his tweet, Roy uploaded a photo of Gibran who was arguing. He tagged the photo to show that Gibran used three microphones at once, namely a handheld microphone, clip on, and a microphone attached to his cheek which according to him was equipped with a headset.

Not only that, this man from Yogyakarta also narrated that Gibran received someone's answer assistance through the headset. "What's the point of having an EARPHONE? Who can FEEDING to their ears? Why are the other 2 DIFFERENT Candidates? AMBYAR," Roy said in his tweet

Presidential candidate (candidate) number 3, Ganjar Pranowo also commented on Roy Suryo's tweet on the X account. Ganjar, accompanied by his wife Siti Atikoh, walked and greeted the residents of Solo, saying that every candidate was given 3 tools during the debate. "Everyone got the same quota. Some of them stick to their ears and then have their clips attached here (wear) and there is a mic," said Ganjar when met on Jalan Slamet Riyadi, Surakarta City, Sunday, December 24.

Ganjar's confession that denied Roy Suryo's tweet was strengthened by KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari who emphasized that Gibran did not use ear feeders or ear feeders. He explained that the tools in the ears of the vice presidential candidates were mic hooks.

"All vice presidential candidates can be asked and also TV stations that organize debates, as well as the candidate pairs in the holding-room during the installation of the mic, can be asked," explained Hasyim.

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