JAKARTA - On every agenda and debate of the presidential candidate, presidential candidate (candidate) 2024 number two Prabowo Subianto always shows off his typical dance in public. The dance has now gone viral as the 'joget gemoy'. Joget gemoy is said to be a symbol of an invitation to all Indonesian people, especially the younger generation to celebrate the democratic party of the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres) with joy.

Not only that, there are also jargons that are often said by candidate pair number two every time they respond to an event with the word'JUST dance' or'JUST smile'. Prabowo Subianto first showed this gemoy dance when he took and got the number two at the General Election Commission (KPU) RI on Jalan Imam Bonjol, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, November 14.

After receiving the serial and speech number, Prabowo Subianto, who was wearing a blue long-handed shirt and accompanied by Gibran Rakabuming Raka while walking back into his chair, was accompanied by a chant from his supporting party. And suddenly in front of the political party chairmen who were present, Prabowo Subianto suddenly danced for a few seconds. The dance was greeted by laughter from the audience who witnessed him, including PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarno Putri. And among the laughter, there were those who shouted, "Prabowo gemoy!".

Based on VOI's search, the word gemoy has been known since 2020 on social media such as Tik tok. The term echo and gemoy usually refers to something or someone who is very cute and adorable. The term gemoy in early 2021 then spreads to celebrity groups. One of them is the son of Krisdayanti, Aurel who often calls his adorable sister, Arsyi with a gemoy.

Now the term Gemoy is often displayed in the Prabowo-Gibran cartoon packaging which is made into artificial intelligence (AI) and displayed through giant advertisements or billboards on the side of the capital. On the first day of the campaign, billboards and prebowo-Gibran gemo-flyers were made with a flood order AI in Malang, East Java. The term gemoy does not rule out the possibility of becoming a capitalized form of gyramic.

Prabowo-Gibran's national campaign team (TKN), Maman Abdurahman said the term gemoy is a positive and natural game without neglecting offers of good work programs for the nation and state.

Bongbong Campaign Style Equation Marcos And Prabowo Subianto

National team spokesman Amin Surya Tjandra said Prabowo's campaign was similar to what Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos or Bongbong Marcos implemented, who manipulated young people in the 2022 Philippines presidential election. Bongbong Marcos is the son of the Philippine dictator, Ferdinand Marcos, who has been in power for 21 years and is considered authoritarian.

Bongbong and Prabowo's campaign styles are almost similar and both dance on stage. Bongbong's campaign, which was dancing in a green t-shirt with dark glasses, immediately went viral. Bongbong's dance is known as Bongbong Marcos (BBM) Sara's Gemoy Dance.

Secretary General of the Gerindra Party, Ahmad Muzani emphasized that the campaign celebrations or games carried out by Prabowo-Gibran did not violate democratic principles. "The campaign using such a gimmick clearly does not violate the principles of democracy. Everything will return to the people. People who will make their choices through ballot boxes," Ahmad Mujani told VOI, Monday, December 18.

So is it true that young people in Indonesia are only enough to be danced or given a gimmick? The chairman of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Gadjah Mada University, Gielbran Muhammad Noor, emphasized that of course such assumptions were wrong. He also mentioned that it is legal for the candidates for presidential and vice presidential candidates to play games, but don't overdo it.

"Because if it is excessive, it can be a form of exploitation of public ignorance. This means that by dancing or being given a gimmick like that, the Indonesian people are quite satisfied and the presidential and vice-presidential candidates can gain a lot of votes. Now we young people and the people have understood the democratic party, it's not just a party but a turning point. nation," he said in a written statement, Monday, December 18.

He also said that the five-year period is a very short time and of course there is a lot of homework that must be completed by candidates for presidential and vice-presidential candidates. He emphasized that currently what is worried about is that the democratic party in 2024 will only focus on the game without providing a single useful idea for the nation.

"We young people today are very afraid of democracy that focuses on the game. Currently in Yogyakarta, specifically for candidate pairs number two, there are many big billboards installed but the ideas are small," said a student at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry UGM class 2019.

No less interesting criticism was conveyed by comedian Duta Triaji who reminded the TKN team not to be too confident and feel confident. He asked the TKN team to see lessons from PDIP who were previously too confident that Pak Jokowi would still be together. "The proof and we will see together at this time, Mr. Jokowi supports Pak Prabowo-Gibran," he said.

Seeing the debate of the candidate for presidential candidate yesterday, it was also stated that the Ambassador was also very interesting. According to the Ambassador, Prabowo is currently a very entertainment figure, Anies is a very good figure in the debate, and Ganjar is considered confused about the purpose of the debate.

"And there are still two more presidential candidates in this debate event. This means that there are still two more times that we as the people will see Mr. Prabowo for dancing again, this in my opinion is very interesting. Because that is what is most anticipated from each presidential candidate debate this time and if possible it is included in the runway, Mr. Prabowo dancing," he said.

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