JAKARTA – The lawyer for the family of Brigadier Nofryansah Yosua Hutabarat (Brigadir J), Kamarudin Simanjuntak is still questioning the chronology of Brigadier J's death at the official residence of his boss, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo on July 8, 2022.
Was it true that a shootout took place between Brigadier J and Bharada E? Or was there a planned effort to eliminate Brigadier J?
Because, from Vera Simanjuntak's statement, Brigadier J had told about his condition through a video call. Brigadier J seemed to have known that he would suffer an unlucky fate.
“A week before the murder the deceased had complained, pouring out his heart to his lover. Apologize for all sins and transgressions against his beloved. Then, he asked his girlfriend to find another man to replace him because it was no longer possible for him to marry his lover because he was going to leave according to the death threat," said Kamarudin on the YouTube channel Refly Harun, Saturday (30/7).
Then, on July 7, 2022, one day before the incident, Brigadier J again communicated with his lover.
“He said he would be slaughtered and said goodbye. Her lover asks, who will slaughter. The deceased replied, it was the old squad. The information is that the old squad is always envious, because the deceased was agile and loved by his father and mother," continued Kamarudin.

Kamarudin suspected that the threat was not Bharada E but another aide. Brigadier J's confession to his girlfriend took place on June 21, 2022, June 29, 2022, and July 7, 2022.
Another suspicion is that there were 23 miss calls from Brigadier J's cellphone to Vera on July 8, 2022. However, Kamaruddin said, the timing was irregular.
“For example, miss call at 16.00, then 16.10, then 16.20, already 16.20, back to 16.05. So, the misscall was irregular, once entered, there were many and irregular."
"Well, the question is what is it. It means that Brigadier Joshua's cellphone has been controlled by a third party, until now. Because until now it is unknown where the cellphone is. Namely 3 cellphones with 4 numbers belonging to Brigadier J," said Kamaruddin again.
"The question is who is in control of Brigadier J's cellphone because it is suspected to be lying on the table at the official residence," said Kamaruddin.
Not only with Vera, Brigadier J also confided in his friends, claiming that he was threatened with execution. “If he dares to go upstairs, he will be killed. What does going up above mean?” said Kamarudin in a separate place.
This evidence strengthens the suspicion that Brigadier J had premeditated murder. "So, according to my report to the police, this is premeditated murder," he said.
The results of the second autopsy version of the legal advisorLikewise, from the autopsy results of the two bodies of Brigadier J, which was carried out at Sungai Bahar Hospital on July 27, 2022. The police had explained that a shootout occurred, but based on the autopsy results, four gunshot wounds were found. One of them, behind the head to penetrate the nose.
"On the back of the head there is a small lump of glue marks. When the glue is opened, it turns out that there is a hole, the hole is probed or stabbed with a tool such as a chopstick to a stuck eye, but when probed to the nose, it turns out that there is a seam that was previously photographed, "he explained.
According to Kamarudin, this is evidence that refutes Karopenmas's explanation that a shootout occurred from top to bottom. “If it's a shootout, it means face-to-face. If it's from above, the bullet should go from the nose through the back and it shouldn't be flat, it should be tilted if it's from above.”
"It could be, he was shot from behind, he turned his back on the perpetrator," he added.
Then, there was also a gunshot wound to the jawbone that pierced into Brigadier J's right lip. “It is possible that the gun was stuck to the jaw. If it was shot from above from the mouth through the neck, it is possible that there should have been a wound along the shoulder or chest, at least the wound was caused by splinters," continued Kamarudin.
Another gunshot wound is on the left chest. Also, at the wrist penetrate as deep as 6 cm.

In addition to gunshot wounds, based on the autopsy results, there were also injuries suspected of being assault wounds on Brigadier J's body. Among other things, an open fracture in the left little finger. An open wound between the lower and upper sides of the left ring finger, contusion on the left wrist parallel to the thumb, and blood seeping in the tissue under the fingernail of the ring and little finger.
Then, an open wound on the flat edge of the base of the white bone below the outer side above the ankle and a black bruise on the left inner thigh crease.
“Then, at the mouth of the lower jaw bone was broken. However, the mouth cannot be opened on external examination. We used to ask why his jaw was dislocated, was it because of violence or because of gunshots. But the cause has not been found. Also, why is the right leg bent," said Kamarudin.
“This cannot be explained and needs further research. It's not final yet, just a temporary record of the results of the second autopsy. Later, there will be further research," he added.
The autopsy process, said Kamarudin, was carried out by a combination of doctors, including those from the RSPAD, RSCM, and other institutions, including two doctors representing the family or legal counsel. "Martina is a doctor and Herlina Lubis is a master of health."
Cons DescriptionFrom the start, Kamarudin considered that there were indeed many irregularities in the case of Brigadier J's death. There were different findings between the facts explained by the police on Tuesday (12/7) and the facts found later, both from the autopsy results and from the statements of the family and other witnesses.
For example, related to CCTV. “At first they said they were lost, then suddenly they were found again. From whom did he find it? He should be a suspect for disarming evidence. Who rules him?” added Kamarudin.
Then, Komnas HAM said, based on CCTV, Brigadier J was still alive when he arrived in Duren Tiga, South Jakarta. "What is the proof? Has CCTV been checked by a digital forensic expert? Edited or original? CCTV must be tested, not just shown. It could be that it was CCTV the previous time," said Kamarudin.
Komnas HAM, based on the analysis of 20 CCTV camera footage from 27 different points, stated that Brigadier J was still alive while in Duren Tiga. In fact, he had time to do a PCR test with Bharada E and the wife of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo after arriving from Magelang.

"The group from Magelang arrived, and then it was clear that the groups had entered, and then they went to the PCR room," Komnas HAM commissioner for monitoring and investigation Choirul Anam told reporters, Wednesday (27/7).
This means that Komnas HAM has denied the allegation that Brigadier J died before arriving in Jakarta. From CCTV results, Brigadier J is also still getting along well with his fellow aide Ferdy Sambo.
"It was casually chatting and laughing, who was laughing? Including J. So if it's as if it was killed laughing between Magelang and Jakarta, that's wrong," said Anam.
VOI has previously reported that Komnas HAM still needs to take further information from the Cyber Directorate of the National Police to find a bright spot in the case of Brigadier J's death. Currently, Komnas HAM is still digitally checking cellphones and CCTV videos from Magelang to Duren Tiga.
"Digital processing is being carried out for cellphones and some related to CCTV. In addition, we have been given a lot of videos, but there is still one process that, technologically and mechanically, at the puslabfor takes time," said Anam.
"Earlier, we agreed that we will continue with this digital and cyber information retrieval mechanism next week. It is only about 20 percent left that we need to strengthen the bright sides of the incident," said Anam, Wednesday (27/7).
Wisely Studying InformationUndeniably, the case of Brigadier J's death has indeed captured public attention. The information circulating seems unstoppable, especially on social media. There are a lot of confusing news that tend to be unverifiable.
It's good, people are wise. Guarding this case with data and facts sourced from a thorough investigation. Provide opportunities for experts to work according to their competence to collect objective data.
As revealed by the founder of the Digital.org Clinic, Devie Rahmawati. Not all information on social media is a blessing, in fact some of it is a disaster because of a lot of prejudice.

“We often encounter information that is not useful, and even opinions are not balanced. Scrolls of viral information become a tool to justify, it actually obscures the truth," he said as quoted by Antara on July 26, 2022.
In order to avoid polemics, Kamarudin asked President Jokowi to form an independent team to uncover the facts of Brigadier J's death. The team involved the Indonesian Armed Forces, the Navy and the Air Force, as well as practitioners and academics so that the results would be clearer and free of intervention. According to the president's instructions, investigate thoroughly, open it as it is, don't cover it up, be transparent.
“My analysis is that this is an easy matter, but it is complicated because it is made of balilut. It is impossible to reveal it quickly because the interests are hostage," he said.
As of Sunday (31/7), the Police have not named a single person as a suspect. The special team formed by the National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo is still gathering evidence regarding the death of Brigadier J.
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