Digit Robot Now Appears New Version With Hands And Heads To Help Warehouse Work
Agility Robotics launches the next generation of Digit humanoids. (photo: dock..Agility Robotics)

JAKARTA - Agility Robotics launched the next generation of Digit humanoids. This robot was built specifically to carry out tasks in warehouses and distribution centers.

Most of the humanoids are currently designed for research laboratories, but Digit is different, he performs task in warehouses to help e-commerce and delivery services, as well as perform massmaterials such as gossip movements, repeated and risk of injury.

This new version adds a head with an animated eyes LED and hands, and can handle more demanding types of workloads than its predecessor.

The new Digits Robot can reach higher, bring more, last longer, charge and faster.

In addition, the robot is better at manipulating its environment, has a sharper perception and is better at human-robot interactions. It has a height of 5 times 9 inches and weighs about 140 lbs, including end-effectors (hands).

The warehouse work includes many automatic processes, repeated tasks that cause too often injuries and high turnover, leaving an expensive gap in labor that disrupts the supply chain, "explained Agility Robotics in a press release.

While automation can help fill in that gap, existing automation solutions usually have a single goal, meaning the company must implement and nurture dozens of different solutions for different tasks, or require expensive adjustments to the workspace," he added.

Agility has also opened applications for a number of places in the Agility Partner Program (APP). APP will provide partners with the opportunity to form Digit's skills development.

The company said it would deliver the first beta robot to customers in the program in early 2024. The company hopes that humanoids will be publicly available by 2025.

Launching Engadget, Tuesday, March 21, the idea of Agility Robotics is to create a humanoid robot that can replicate human tasks as well as possible.

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