Easy Ways To Check Android Version, So You Don't Miss An Update
How to check Android version (Device Atlas)

YOGYAKARTA - The Android version on smartphones continues to be updated every year. Each phone produced in a different year will have a different version of Android.

Usually, smartphones that are newly launched to the market use the latest Android version. While smartphones that have been circulating for more than 1 year use older versions of Android models.

Therefore, if you have a smartphone that was purchased several years ago, it is mandatory to check the version of Android you are using, so that you can do the latest updates.

The developer usually always provides notifications about system updates on a regular basis. However, old smartphone owners still have to update so they don't miss out.

Updating or updating the Android system to the latest version is very important. The reason is, by updating the Android version regularly, you can fix bugs that appear on your smartphone or get the latest features that you can't get in the old version.

However, before updating, you must first know which version of Android you are using. If users want to know which version of Android their older smartphone is using, this article will explain how to do it.

Here's how to find out which version of Android you're using, as summarized by the VOI team.

How to Check Android Version on Xiaomi, Vivo, Samsung, Oppo cellphones

To find out which version of Android your smartphone is using, open the settings menu on the user's smartphone. Next, scroll down until you find the "About Phone" menu.

Next, you can enter the software information in the menu. It contains information about the Android version, interface, and Android security patch level.

After reading the information in it, then you will know the Android version used by your smartphone.

In addition, you can also check the Android version on your smartphone using an easier way, namely opening the "Settings" menu, then clicking the "System" menu.

Several icons will appear, select the "Advanced" menu, and then select System Update. That way you can find out which version of Android your smartphone is using and update it automatically.

Note that every Android has a different way of knowing which version of the Android system is being used. However, in general, how to check it is almost the same, namely in the 2 ways above.

That's how to find out the Android version on a smartphone that you can use to find out which version of the Android system the user's smartphone is using.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)