JAKARTA - Life in space often attracts the attention of many scientists. This time, the African country is making a giant satellite project to find out the whereabouts of aliens.

The construction of the super large space telescope network is named the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) which will be built at several points on the African continent. The initial construction of this satellite was in the form of a 15 meter wide parabolic antenna located in South Africa.

Quoted from Futurism, later there will be 3,000 radio transmitter antenna points to catch signals of the existence of other creatures in outer space. This huge project is predicted to complete 113 parabolic constructions by 2027

This satellite network will be activated in late 2019. The main site has been built on the ancient seabed in Karoo, South Africa. It consists of 66 reflective triangular panels.

In fact, the idea of building a satellite network began in the early 1990s at a space conference. 1,500 experts also agreed to start the search for other life beyond Earth,

In 2011, 13 countries agreed to fund an alien search project through the SKA satellite network. The total estimated funding for this satellite network development project is US $ 1 billion.

Before this satellite network was functioning, China had built its giant telescope called Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope or in Chinese it was called Satellite Tianyan. This joint project between China and the United States is capable of detecting 100 radio signals about three billion light years away from Earth.

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