JAKARTA - Bitcoin trading moved very dynamically in the last 24 hours. If previously, the price of Bitcoin closed reddened, now the cryptocurrency is back in fresh green on the marketplace today.

Reported by Coindesk, at 9.53 WIB, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies turned green again with the market opening at 9.2 US dollars per con. Even so, this figure was still corrected negatively at the level (-) 0.11 percent in the last 24 hours.

Cryptocurrency Marketplace Wednesday July 15 (Screenshot of Coindesk)

According to Fairlead Strategies market analyst Katie Stockton, Bitcoin prices are still stuck at their lowest volume in recent weeks. The average decline ranged from 9,100 to 9,240 US dollars.

"Bitcoin is still tethered to its moving average in the last 50 days, until it finally suffered and lost its short-term momentum in June," said Katie, Wednesday, July 15.

A similar sentiment was also conveyed by Sasha Goldberg, a senior trading specialist from Efficient Frontier, saying that the market as a whole may not have determined the best price. This is due to the long-term economic impact of the corona virus pandemic.

"At the moment it seems the market is disconnected from what is happening globally. I think bitcoin will continue to be in the range of 8.900 to 9.400 US dollars," he was quoted as saying by Coindesk.

A positive trend was also experienced by Ethereum (ETH), which returned since the close of trading yesterday, to 240 US dollars per coin or a correction of 1.3 percent in the last 24 hours.

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