JAKARTA - The new academic year has started a number of educational institutions, from elementary to upper levels, to resume learning activities. It's just that, as a new form of normalcy from the impact of the corona virus pandemic, the teaching and learning process must change from physical contact to online platforms.
One of the most popular platforms used today for online learning, is Google Classroom. This platform is not only easy to use, but also has many features that support the online teaching and learning process.
Through Google Classroom, it allows teachers and teachers to create classes online. In fact, this platform can also help students and teachers to organize assignments and the required subject matter properly.
"With Classroom, teachers can create classes, distribute assignments, give grades, send feedback, and see everything in one place," wrote Google on its website, Tuesday, July 14.
To take advantage of this service, teachers can access it via a website or in the form of an application on a smartphone or tablet. Students can also download this application for free through the Google Play Store and Apple Store.
To create a class in Google Classroom, do the following:
1. Sign in to the Google Classroom app or the classroom.google.com website
2. On the web page, click the add icon then click 'Creat Class'.
3. Then, fill in the form that appears on the screen, and click Create.
Keep in mind that creating online classes in Google Classroom requires a Google or Gmail account. Because Google Classroom will also be integrated with a number of other features, including Google Docs, Slides and Sheets that students can use to do assignments and upload them back to the teacher for review.
Meanwhile, to invite students to attend Google Classroom, do the following steps:
1. Repeat the first step by going to the Google Classroom website, then selecting the (+) icon in the top right corner for 'Join Class'
2. Here, usually the teachers or teaching staff who have set up online classes will send a unique code that students can use to enter the class.
In Google Classroom, students can still interact with each other by commenting on assignments or simply replying to e-mails, via the Classroom interface.
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