JAKARTA - Apple plans to make its smartphone the only device a person can carry while traveling. Not only as a means of communication, the iPhone can also digitally function as a passport, SIM, KTP and other important documents.
Even during the 2020 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), Apple expressed its desire to replace the function of car keys in the future. This ambition is manifested in a collection of Apple application patents regarding "Providing Verified Claims of User Identity".
"Devices that apply the system for the use of verified identities include at least one processor that is configured to receive a verified claim, when identifying the device user," said the patent explanation, as quoted by Apple Insider, Tuesday, July 7.
Even though Apple doesn't refer to a single device, the Cupertino-based company has an ambition to immediately apply this feature to the iPhone. Even if it allows the biometric sensors on the Apple Watch, it can also authenticate the identity of the user.
These verified claims will be handled by an identity verification provider separate from the server. So that devices such as the iPhone can safely access their digital identity.
"This allows users to obtain a verified identity claim that serves as a digital identity, which includes information from one or more verified systems for reuse across multiple service providers," states the Apple patent document.

While it may sound interesting and promising, the idea of entering all identities onto one particular server or device is quite a risky one. For example lost, signal interference or running out of power which also means losing access to all important documents and identity.
Previously, Apple has also worked with a number of countries such as Germany and the UK in digitally authenticating identity documents. However, this process is still quite difficult to carry out, due to the government's bureaucratic process in validating the data.
"Identity, to be legal, has to be legalized by the government," said Apple Pay Vice President Jennifer Bailey in 2019.
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