YOGYAKARTA – Endurance is the natural enemy of technology. Over time, the device will inevitably become damaged, to the point of death and beyond repair. Now what users can do to anticipate this is to take care.

Previously, the author has described at length about how to choose the best hard disk. However, no matter how expensive a hard disk you buy, damage is inevitable.

To prevent the hard disk from being damaged in a short time, the VOI team has prepared tips for caring for an external hard disk. Without further ado, take a look at the description below:

Get used to Unplug Hard Disk with Safely Remove Option

The first tip that you must do is when you remove the external hard disk from your laptop or PC. Don't just pull it out. We recommend that you use the Safely Remove or Eject option before unplugging the device.

The reason is, this option will delete all cached data that appears and is left behind due to the data transfer process between the two devices. Yes, although it seems trivial and easy to forget, this step is very important to maintain the durability of your hard disk.

Keep External Hard Drives away from Magnetic Objects

Simple, but no less important. When storing the hard drive, place it in an area away from water, splashes of water, and devices that contain magnets. As with most electronic devices, magnets can cause a short circuit inside the device.

Meanwhile, magnets can affect the performance of external hard disks. The reason is, the inside of the device is made of metal. Especially the storage plate part which is very susceptible to magnetic forces from other devices.

Avoid Collision

The fastest way to damage an external hard disk is by impact. Perhaps, this fact is already known to most readers. But, it should be noted, the hard disk is a very fragile device. There are some parts that can error due to a little shaking.

In fact, a rather hard impact can cause the disc components to break. Until it breaks. So, keep the device from experiencing a collision.

Avoid High Temperature

Like most computer components, external hard drives are designed to operate within certain temperatures. This temperature range will vary depending on the model, technology and manufacturer.

The problem is, it takes extra attention to maintain the temperature of the device. If you neglect to maintain the temperature and air circulation, the space around the dish can get hotter. Until then melt the plate and make it damaged.

Well, those are some tips for caring for external hard disks to make them durable and long lasting. Hopefully the above description can help you to make your external hard disk usable longer.

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