YOGYAKARTA - For those of you who work in front of a laptop or PC computer, of course you are already familiar with the mouse or mouse. Every day and every time we use it to move the pointer on the screen. But, have you ever been curious about how the mouse works?
Indeed, for laptop users, the mouse is not an important accessory. Many laptop users also prefer to use a trackpad. However, not a few are more comfortable adding a mouse.
Unlike laptops, PC computers rely heavily on this tool. Without a mouse, a computer is just a screen that can be seen. Can't operate at all. Thus, the mouse has become an important part of every PC computer.
For those of you who are curious about this tool, the VOI team has compiled a variety of information that is definitely interesting to follow. Starting from the history of the appearance of the mouse, how it works, and the development of this product.
In the early 1960s, when computer technology was still in its early stages of development, an inventor named Douglas Engelbart wanted to develop an easier way to operate his computer.
Then, in 1964, Douglas also designed a prototype device that could move the cursor on the screen. By the inventor, this tool was given a pretty cool name - namely "XY Position Indicator for a Display System". Yes, far from the term mouse that we know today, right?
This mouse prototype was originally large and heavy. Made of a wooden box that is empty in the middle. There are two metal balls inside. They work for the X and Y axes, respectively.
In 1968, Douglas patented his invention. Then, during a demonstration of the device in 1960, Douglas changed the name of this tool to 'Mouse'. And since then, mouse technology has continued to develop until now.
Types of Mouse and How They WorkNow, there are a number of mouse product choices. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages. Scrolling again, bro.
Mechanical MouseAs we can conclude from its name, a mechanical mouse is a type of mouse with additional movable parts. Usually in the form of a ball and located at the bottom. The ball will also move when the mouse is moved.
The first mechanical mouse was produced by a German company in 1968 called Telefunken. Then, in 1973, Bill English developed the first mouse product in the form we know today. He sold the product to Xerox Alto I. The mechanical working of the mouse is quite simple. The ball located at the bottom makes direct contact with the two rollers above it. One roller moves vertically. While the other rollers move horizontally.
As the ball moves around the X axis, the horizontal roller moves as well. Vice versa.
Optical MouseAbout a decade after the mechanical mouse exploded on the market, the optical mouse appeared. Instead of relying on a spinning ball and roller, optical mice rely on light to move the cursor.
In 1982, a company called Mouse System Corporation showcased its first optical mouse to the public. And despite being quite old, this tool became popular in the decade of the 2000s.
Optical mouse has four main components. These include LED lights, prisms next to the LEDs, light sensors, and DSP (Digital Signal Processor). The optical mouse relies heavily on light from LEDs. The light from the LED is directed towards the prism. The light is reflected by the edge of the prism, the reflection is directed towards the surface.
The reflected light is reflected back until it reaches the light sensor. Furthermore, the DSP also processes the received light to create a small image of the surface. When the mouse is moved, another picture is obtained. That way, the mouse is able to compare the two images it receives.
Well, after an explanation of the types and how the mouse works. If you ask, which is better between a mechanical mouse and an optical mouse, the author considers a mechanical mouse to be the superior type.
Why? Read on for the VOI team's description in other articles, OK?
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