JAKARTA - It turns out that smart watches can not only be used to track fitness, monitor sleep quality and more, but the Apple Watch can do much more than that.

Some time ago the Apple Watch managed to save the life of a man who fell into an icy river or saved the life of a British cyclist caught in a flood.

Citing the NYPost via Gizmochina, Wednesday, August 25, this time the Apple Watch was allegedly used by a group of seven-member robbers in the United States (US) to rob a man who was carrying 500,000 US dollars.

The alleged leader of the group is 30-year-old Darren Lindsay. The robbery took place last year in Hartford, Connecticut, but details of the incident were made public a few days ago.

The robbers first saw the victim believing he had brought the cash. To stalk the victim, they hid the Apple Watch they had bought beforehand, linked it to their AT&T account, then put it under the bumper of their car. Then track the victim's car using the Find My application on the iPhone.

After finding the victim's car, one of the robbers smashed the car window with a gun, hoping to find a bag containing $500,000 worth of cash. But they found nothing in the car.

From there, they returned to Middletown, New York to share the loot and pose for photos in front of piles of money. The gang member was indicted in July for a series of crimes from 2019 to 2020.

"All of this information is backed up by detailed mobile site location data, including from his Apple Watch and the defendant's phone," wrote US Justice Department prosecutors.

It is known that the efforts of these robbers are quite unique, but don't imitate, guys! They use the Apple Watch to track location. Indeed, at the time, the Apple Watch was the only practical device that could be used to track people. Meanwhile, AirTags, which are designed specifically for tracking objects, have not yet been launched.

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