JAKARTA - Social media has not only changed the way we communicate with each other, but also adds new vocabulary to our everyday language.

We make friends with people, like posts, share pictures, and tweet our thoughts. Kids want to do it too. It's just that social media sites are designed for adults, but are often used by teenagers and even children.

On this National Children's Day, Friday, July 23, the VOI team would like to share tips for safe social media for children. Here are 7 tips to keep your kids safe on social media:

1. Say "no" as long as you can.

Many experts agree that middle school age children are too young to understand the potential dangers of social media. The legal age for some platforms is 13 years. But for some parents, allowing children to share photos or communicate with friends seems harmless.

2. Decide together which social media sites your child can use.

Parents should be familiar with the site and the mobile app and should create their own profile or login. Make sure you have access to anything your child posts.

3. Discuss what children are posting online.

Explain to children that their posts become part of their online footprint and are never truly private. Teach your child that if it's not something they would say to someone in person, it's inappropriate in an online post or text. Never post anything you won't share with everyone, and don't use social media to gossip, bully or intimidate, and mock others.

4. Don't talk to strangers.

You've been teaching your kids this for most of their lives, so be sure to remind them about interacting online with people they don't know. A feature added to Snapchat - Snap Map - shows the user's location, and the Police have warned this could be used by stalkers.

5. Check children's cell phones.

Once a week, ask the kids to hand over their phones to mom or dad. Be sure to check your online search history and deleted items, including emails and texts. Discuss anything that concerns you. Consider asking them to delete online "friends" they don't know or don't know.

6. Set a time limit.

Be sure to pay attention to the warning signs that your child is spending too much time in front of the computer or cell phone. If your child struggles with schoolwork, skips extracurricular activities, or doesn't get enough sleep, determine if excessive screen time is the problem, experts advise.

7. Encourage children to trust their instincts.

If your child has ever felt threatened or uncomfortable by someone or something on social media, he or she should let parents know. Depending on the concern, it may be necessary to contact the police. For example, any threat to hurt someone or hurt a classmate should be taken seriously. Many social media sites also have the option to report suspicious or abusive behavior.

Happy National Children's Day!

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