JAKARTA – The internet has now become a part of everyday life for children. Apart from being used for learning from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, the internet is also used by children for other purposes, such as playing games, watching videos, and looking for information.

The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) sees that the use of digital technology, especially during a pandemic, must be considered. This makes Kominfo assess the need for a safe and conducive digital space for children.

"Kominfo as an accelerator, facilitator and digital ecosystem in Indonesia, has implemented efforts from upstream to downstream to create a comfortable digital space for children," said Secretary General of Communications and Information, Mira Tayyiba during the 2021 National Children's Day AMAN Festival, which was held with Facebook Indonesia, Sunday, July 18th.

The corona virus pandemic in various parts of the world, including Indonesia, inevitably encourages digital transformation in various activities, including for schools which are now carried out remotely.

"The COVID-19 pandemic is happening at the same time, placing digital technology more and more as the key to surviving in this condition," said Mira.

Children's learning activities during this pandemic cannot be separated from digital technology and the use of the internet, for that we need a conducive digital space in the sense that it is free from negative content and safe from cyber crime.

At the upstream level, Kominfo provides an understanding of cyberspace through the National Movement for Digital Literacy Cybercreation, which targets around 12.4 million people every year, including children, youth and child companions.

Digital literacy is emphasized on the ability to use digital media (digital skills), digital culture (digital culture), digital media ethics (digital ethics), and digital media safety (digital safety).

The Ministry is also preparing activities that focus on protecting children's personal data, in accordance with the Minister of Communication and Informatics Regulation Number 20 of 2016 concerning Protection of Personal Data and Electronic Systems.

Kominfo also collaborates with digital platforms to cut off access to content that contains negative elements such as pornography, gambling and fraud. Until the end of last June, there were 2.79 negative content that had been taken down from social media.

Meanwhile, at the downstream level, Kominfo cooperates with the police to take action on cases of negative content that meet criminal elements. Then with the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection in handling content related to children.

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