JAKARTA - Following Twitter's steps, Snapchat is no longer promoting the account of President of the United States (US) Donald Trump on its platform. This decision was taken, in line with Trump's controversial comments regarding protests related to the death of blacks in his country.

As quoted from BBC International, on the Snapchat platform, Trump often gets the spotlight in the Discover tab feature, which also highlights content from celebrities and news agencies.

"We are not currently promoting the President's content on the Snapchat Discover platform. We will not amplify the voices inciting racial violence and injustice by giving them free promotions on Discover," said Snap Inc spokeswoman Rachel Racusen, Thursday, June 4.

Even so, Trump's account remains on the platform with the yellow logo. Meanwhile, Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale has criticized Snapchat's move and accuses it of trying to rig the 2020 election and press Trump from his existence.

Racusen said the decision was made last weekend, after Trump's tweet made threats that protesters breaking the White House fence would be "Greeted by the fiercest dogs and unpleasant weapons I have ever seen."

"We cannot promote accounts in America associated with people who incite racial violence, whether they do it on or off our platforms. We have repeatedly talked about working hard to make a positive impact, and we will continue the conversation with the content we promote. on Snapchat, "said Snapchat CEO, Evan Spiegel.

Spiegel also added that Snapchat is still standing with all those who stand for peace, love and justice and that they will use the platform to promote good over bad. The decision marks increasing tensions between the Trump administration and several other social media companies.

Previously, Trump was furious after Twitter for the first time labeled a fact-check feature in several of his tweets. Twitter also glorified Trump's tweet regarding the protests which took place as an act of provocation.

On the other hand, social media Facebook has chosen not to curate Trump's posts on its platform. This also sparked protests from Facebook employees to Mark Zuckerberg over his omission.

Trump himself has reportedly signed a number of exclusive orders related to social media companies. According to him, what he experienced by labeling 'fact check' was an effort to maintain freedom of speech on social media.

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