JAKARTA - Hearing the word ransomware, you will be reminded of malware attacks that will continue to occur all the time. But calm down, there is good news for Indonesia. Now, the attacks are reportedly on the decline, including in Southeast Asia.

Especially for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the region. According to data received from global cybersecurity company Kaspersky, country-by-country statistics for the first quarter of 2020 show all regions in Southeast Asia recorded a decrease in ransomware detection compared to the same period last year.

However, globally, one in three ransomware blocked by Kaspersky in 2019 was targeted at corporate users. This suggests that cybercriminals are increasingly targeting businesses and companies as a counter to individual users.

Ransomware itself is a type of cyberware designed to tap money from individuals or companies. Often times, the ransomware will ask for a ransom to undo the changes the Trojan has made to the victim's computer. These changes can include encrypting data stored on users 'disks, so that they can no longer access information, and blocking normal access to users' systems.

The way ransomware works on users' systems - that is, cybercriminals - usually uses phishing emails, pre-infected websites with malicious programs, or out-of-date software. Once the Trojan is installed, it will encrypt the information stored on the user's computer or block the computer from being accessed, while leaving a ransom message asking for a fee, to decrypt files or restore the system. In most cases, a ransom message will appear when the user restarts the computer after an infection has occurred.

Kaspersky claims that it succeeded in foiling 269,904 attacks for businesses with a total of 20-250 employees in the Southeast Asia region.

“Overall, we have observed a significant decrease in ransomware attacks that we have blocked against the SME sector in Southeast Asia. "The first quarter figure is 69 percent lower compared to the same period in 2019, this is definitely a good sign," said Kaspersky Southeast Asia General Manager Yeo Siang Tiong in an official statement received by VOI, Monday 1 June.

However, Tiong added that companies should not be caught off guard, as cybercriminals may show less activity but the accuracy has undoubtedly increased.

For information, Indonesia itself is still among the top ten countries in terms of the share of SME users who are almost infected by this threat. The five countries with the highest percentage of effort in the first quarter of 2020 include the Russian Federation, Brazil, China, Bangladesh and Egypt. Wannacry remains the most popular ransomware globally.

"We can safely say that the company is now fully aware of this danger after the Wannacry incident three years ago. The current situation in which employees are forced to work remotely, however, has blurred the line between company and personal safety, while simultaneously increasing the surface of possible attacks. exploited by cyber criminals, "said Tiong.

Tips for preventing ransomware

1. Equip your employees with a high level of awareness of social engineering tricks. It is advisable to use training that provides gradual learning such as Kaspersky Automated Security Awareness Training. 3. Update your operating system immediately to get rid of the latest vulnerabilities and use a robust security solution with an updated database. 4. Using a security solution that has special technology to protect your data from ransomware. 5. Always have the most up-to-date backup copies of files so that you can replace them in the event of loss (for example due to malware or damaged devices) and store them not only on physical objects but also in cloud storage for greater reliability. 6. Always remember that ransomware is a criminal offense. You don't have to pay. If you have been a victim, report it to your local law enforcement agency. Previously you could do a decryptor search on the internet first.

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