JAKARTA - The feud between the President of the United States (US) Donald Trump with social media Twitter is heating up. Especially after Twitter labeled Trump's two tweets as misinformation and misguided via a fact-checking feature.

As a result, Trump, who was furious with Twitter's actions, accused the social media platform of interfering in the US presidential election process. Trump then threatened to trouble social media companies with various regulations, because they often silence the voices of conservatives.

"Republicans feel social media platforms are completely silencing conservative voices. We're going to really regulate or shut it down before letting that happen," Trump tweeted, as quoted by The Guardian, Thursday, May 28.

In fact, Trump's annoyance is quite basic, as someone who is actively tweeting his various activities on Twitter. He does not accept that his tweet is considered by the fact-checking machine Twitter to potentially convey misinformation.

"It is (ZERO!) Unlikely that the Mail-In Ballots will be anything that will not constitute a substantial fraud. Mailboxes will be robbed, ballots will be faked and even illegally printed and fraudulently signed. sending ballots to millions of people, anyone ... "read Trump's tweet, labeled misinformation by Twitter.

Twitter itself has provided an explanation, in Trump's tweet column by posting a number of links and fact points about 'mail-in ballots'. Twitter also includes links to articles from leading US media such as CNN, The Washington Post and as a reference for this information.

"Fact Check confirms there is no evidence that the ballots to be used in the US presidential election lead to election fraud," wrote Twitter.

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