SOLO- In carrying out the COVID-19 vaccination program for all residents in Solo, the Surakarta City government collaborated with Halodoc and Gojek. They formed a vaccination post which is expected to be able to provide additional protection for more than 10,000 people of Solo City, amid the increasing positive cases of COVID-19 in various regions. The location of the vaccine was carried out in Pendhapi Gede Sala.

The Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, appreciated Halodoc and Gojek who participated in accelerating vaccination. Gibran also invites people who have not been vaccinated to participate.

"Friends who have not been vaccinated, please invite them because the conditions are very easy. With a daily capacity of up to 1,000 vaccinations and targeting at least 10,000 people, the Surakarta City Government is trying to speed up the Covid-19 vaccination, even in the midst of the Emergency PPKM," said Gibran in his statement. , Tuesday July 6th.

The first dose of COVID-19 vaccination will be carried out until July 15, 2021. Meanwhile, the second dose will be carried out on August 2 to 12, 2021 at the same location. The target participants who can register themselves are the elderly (minimum 60 years), pre-elderly (minimum 50 years), and the general public (minimum 18 years).

The Co-Founder and CEO of Halodoc, Jonathan Sudharta said, from the beginning of the pandemic until the implementation of Emergency PPKM, Halodoc was at the forefront in mitigating the handling of Covid, health information education, telemedicine, drug delivery, organizing Covid-19 drive-thru tests, and vaccinations. .

"With the current concern, we are grateful that Halodoc's slot management capabilities can be one of the solutions to reduce the crowd to continue to support the implementation of Emergency PPKM without slowing the rate of mass vaccination," said Jonathan.

Jonathan added that currently Halodoc technology has been adopted by more than 50 health facilities and other vaccination providers.

Gojek's Chief of Public Policy and Government Relationship Shinto Nugroho said that his party always prioritizes security, safety, and convenience in services, especially during the pandemic.

Shinto said that from the start, Gojek had been proactive in the government's COVID-19 vaccination acceleration program in various regions in Indonesia. Especially on that day, Gojek will also carry out vaccinations for driver partners which will be carried out in stages.

"Gojek driver partners are the national logistics artery that provides transportation and delivery services for daily goods and food for the community. Hopefully, driver partners can protect themselves, their families and loyal users of Gojek services from the risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus. With the inclusion of Gojek partners in this vaccination program, as well as an effort to strengthen the security of Gojek services during this emergency PPKM period, "explained Shinto.

Meanwhile, Gojek also launched a new feature that allows customers to see the driver partner's vaccination status on the order page in the application. This latest feature is available in the latest version of the Gojek application.

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