JAKARTA - The theory of the origin of the universe that is most believed today is the Big Bang theory which says that 13.7 billion years ago a particle exploded. From the explosion the universe was created and continues to expand to this day.

The Big Bang theory first appeared in a paper published in 1931. The paper was written by a physicist Georges Lemaitre. Until now, the view of the majority of humans regarding the origin of the universe is based on Lemaitre's ideas.

In 2019, the rate of expansion of the universe, also known as the Hubble Constant, was questioned by some scientists. They questioned whether the determination of the expansion rate was miscalculated or perhaps something was wrong with the universe.

Until now scientists are still trying to find a bright spot between the Big Bang theory and modern human observations. Trying to determine the age of the universe by calculating its rate of expansion is like trying to pick the winner of a NASCAR race based on a blurry photo taken from the rear left side of a race car.

The Big Bang theory is still considered a valid theory about the origin of the universe. However, it is only one small piece of an even bigger puzzle piece.

What If The Big Bang Theory Wasn't the Beginning?

Launching from The Next Web, University of New Hampshire physicist Chanda Prescod-Winstein revealed a different theory. According to him, it would make more sense to assume that the universe was expanding forever.

Writing in the journal New Scientist, he said that the universe probably didn't have a beginning.

“The universe may not have had a moment of beginning, and we may live in what is called an eternally expanding universe. One that grew exponentially even before what we call the big bang. Mathematically, this seems the most likely scenario — assuming inflation is correct," the scientist wrote.

Although the theory may seem trivial, many assumptions today about both classical and quantum physics are based on the idea that time is more than a construction.

The concept of the universe expanding indefinitely is difficult to think about, but the theory contributes to enriching the idea of the universe.

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