JAKARTA - Last Wednesday, June 30, the social media giant announced its intention to distribute 140 non-fungible tokens via the Rarible marketplace. Unlike Reddit, which last week auctioned off its own NFT output, Twitter chose to make this digital transaction card free.

With Rarible's help, Twitter scored 20 NFTs. It is based on the ERC-721 token on the Ethereum blockchain and describes a specific piece of art. And each of them was used for seven different digital works with titles such as 'Furry Twitter', “Vitamin T”, and “Reply Guy”.

For the record, anyone can be the lucky one to get this NFT Twitter collection. The requirements are also quite easy. Just tweeting about the giveaway. Then, Twitter will send instructions regarding how to claim NFT via DM.

Keep in mind, even if you have the opportunity – and are lucky enough – to get one of the digital works, it doesn't mean you have certain ownership rights. The reason is, instead of works of art in physical form, NFT usually only refers to works that exist in other parts of the world.

And in the NFT's Terms of Service section, which is included in the InterPlanetary File System list, Twitter explains what these shared objects are.

“Artwork and brands are not stored or embedded on NFT, but can be accessed via NFT,” the company wrote on its Terms of Service page.

Therefore, Twitter continued, although the NFT itself is owned by the recipient, the artwork and brands associated with the NFT are only licensed. Not transferred ownership or sold to the recipient.

When asked by netizens regarding the terms of service, a Twitter spokesperson only confirmed it. In addition, a Twitter spokesperson also added that NFT recipients do not have any special rights to special artwork, or other Twitter IPs.

This follow-up point is not surprising. And the scheme the company devised should give prints of popular and expensive artworks. You can hang the artwork in your bedroom, but you cannot reproduce or sell copies.

Twitter: No Specific Purpose

In the midst of the NFT fever that is still being felt, Twitter's decision is like a philanthropist visiting a slum. Greeted and hailed by many. However, there are certain parties who have a different opinion.

Mashable considers that what Twitter does has an implied message. Which states that in the long run, the real bargaining value of NFT is unclear.

However, this assessment was indirectly rejected by a Twitter spokesperson when contacted by Bloomberg reporters. The spokesperson even stated that his party had no special plans or motives for this giveaway.

The background for the distribution of NFT, according to a Twitter spokesperson, only emphasizes the ongoing discussions on the platform. In addition, the company also only wants to make it easier for netizens to get NFT for 'fun'.

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