JAKARTA - Billionaire Jeff Bezos will soon make a historic flight to orbit the Moon, 20 July. The trip will use the New Shephard spacecraft developed by his private space company, Blue Origin.

However, compiled from the New York Post page, many do not want Bezos to return to Earth, after he left space. This was stated in a petition circulating on social media networks.

The petition, created by a man named Jose Ortiz, asks people on Earth not to ask the former Amazon CEO to return home. On the petition page, Ortiz likens Bezos to the villain Lex Luthhor from the DC comics.

petition banning Jeff Bezos from returning to Earth (screenshot)

“He is actually an evil ruler who desperately wants global domination. We've known this for years," the petition reads.

Ortiz also claimed that Bezos, had "worked with the Epsteins and the Knights Templar, as well as the Free Masons to gain control of the entire world."

Another petition, which has gone viral on timelines, says "Millionaires shouldn't be on Earth or in space." These petitions have received mixed comments on the page which has been signed by nearly 10,000 people.

Although the petition has been circulating on the Internet, Bezos is reluctant to respond to it. Instead, he invited his younger brother to join him on his first trip to outer space.

"I'm going on that trip with my brother. The biggest adventure, with my best friend," said Besoz.

Launching Space, Bezos has paid about 28 million US dollars or around Rp. 401 billion for tickets to the New Shepard Blue Origin spacecraft to sub-orbital.

Departing from the desert in west Texas, an autonomous rocket will propel the four passengers above the line that defines the boundary between Earth and space.

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