JAKARTA - Apart from doctors and nurses, journalists working in the mass media industry are also at the forefront of delivering information related to handling COVID-19. To that end, Google took the initiative to distribute aid funds to journalists and media around the world who were affected by the economic impact of this pandemic.
Quoting Google's official statement, the aid is aimed at small and medium-scale local media around the world, who are experiencing a period of crisis such as layoffs, temporary deactivation and reduction of employees due to the economic downturn due to the impact of COVID-19.
"Local news is an important resource for keeping information and communities connected in times like these. Today, it plays a bigger function than just reporting on lockdowns or closures. But it is also being challenged with layoffs, leave and reductions as a result. of the economic downturn triggered by COVID-19, "said Google VP News Richard Gingras.
Today we launched the Journalism Emergency Relief Fund, a global effort to help local news agencies in need. This program will provide financial assistance to small to medium sized news agencies around the world. Read more 👉🏼 https://t.co/0o9F0OSr8u pic.twitter.com/b4BIOabnqs
- Google Indonesia (@Google_IDN) April 16, 2020
The amount of assistance that Google will provide will be adjusted to how the media and local communities are affected during the COVID-19 crisis. The amount to be obtained ranges from several thousand to tens of thousands of US dollars, depending on the editorial number of the media.
Google has also opened a registration form to get the initiative's funds. Either media workers or editors can open the following pages, https://newsinitiative.withgoogle.com/journalism-emergency-relief-fund/apply.
"We have simplified the process as much as possible so that we can quickly assist qualified news publishers around the world. Registration will close on Thursday, April 30, 2020, at 13.59 WIB," said Google.
It is known, Google has channeled a collective fund of around 1 million US dollars to the International Center for Journalists to help journalists work. Other donations were also made to the Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma at Columbia Journalism School.
Not only Google, previously Facebook has also committed to provide a grant of 100 million US dollars to support local news organizations in responding to the current crisis.
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