JAKARTA - Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg introduced a number of new features to the Instagram platform. This feature can be used by celebrities so that they can get additional money by using this feature.
Of a number of new features that are present on Instagram, one of which is a feature that can mark product posts with certain brands. Of course, this content is content that matches the wishes of celebrities to reach more audiences.
This feature will make Instagram more intense in finding new content creators to serve advertising companies. With this feature, it is likely that Instagram users will be able to partner with advertisers.
"We have to be able to help brands find content creators who are uniquely aligned with the work they are trying to do and vice versa," said Head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri.
Mark Zuckerberg also introduced a creator store feature. Through this feature, content creators can sell their products to Instagram users through their social media profiles. Instagram users will be able to sell their products through the creator store feature.
"It was very important in the last year. Many physical stores have to close during the lockdown, but online remains open, ”said Zuckerberg.
"This can be a more personal and comfortable experience," he added.
Not only that, content creators will also get discounts if they promote products through their content. Content creators can promote products for their audience.
"People are looking for content creators' recommendations on what is good, especially in the places they are good at," Zuckerberg said.
Although it is somewhat late in terms of monetization, this feature is claimed to change the way influencers look for other income on Instagram. Given that not a few influencers have run many businesses such as online stores or established partnerships with certain brands.
Of course the presence of this feature on Instagram can make it easier for influencers to get offers. Instagram will also give more control over its creator ecosystem and incentivize influencers to spend more time on Instagram than other platforms.
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