JAKARTA - The demand for electric cars is increasing, given the dwindling consumption of fossil fuels. Therefore, various countries are trying to produce electric cars in the future.

Until recently Europe and China were the world's largest electric car producers. Although there are still many electric cars that have not yet been paved in major countries such as Russia, South America, and Africa, as reported by Reuters, on Thursday, April 22.

Throughout 2020, more electric cars were sold in Europe than in the Bamboo Curtain country. Though both have a market share of more than 70 percent. As many as 1 million electric cars of hybrid and plug-in types were sold in 2020.

A study revealed that in the past year about 4.2 million electric cars made in China have been sold, 3.2 million electric cars made in Europe, and only 1.7 million electric cars made in the United States.


Even though the world is engulfing the world, the sale of electric cars continues. In fact, it has increased in the global market. However, in the US market sales of electric cars actually decreased by 6 percent.

Battery-electric cars have sold around 80 percent in China, 79 percent in the US, and 54 percent in Europe. In the future, sales of electric cars are likely to continue to increase significantly.

In Europe, most electric cars are still plug-in hybrids. The European country with the highest interest in electric cars in Norway. There are 105 thousand electric cars in this country, of the total electric cars sold of 433,609 million units.

In Russia, electric cars have only sold 1,760 units. The number of sales is inversely proportional to the large population.

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