JAKARTA The annual developer conference from Google will be held in the coming months. Officially, the tech giant announced that Google I/O will be held on May 20 and 21.
This year, Google will hold a developer conference from Shoreline Amphitheater on Mountain View. This event can be attended directly by technology activists or watched online via theio.google website.
This event is always awaited every year because the Gemini developer will reveal various innovations and the latest features. In its official broadcast, Google also revealed that they will discuss Android, AI, and much more.
Last year, Google I/O was held on May 14, almost a week earlier than this year. The event was filled with many interesting announcements, such as the introduction of Gemini's latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) model to an AI assistant named Project Astra.
Google also introduced a generative AI video model that they developed under the name Veo, a big race on Google Search with AI support, and much more. Google can also announce the hardware at the event.
Like Google I/O 2023, for example. At the conference, Google caught the attention of technology fans and its competitors as Google announced the Pixel Fold, Pixel Tablet, and Pixel 7A. Google also introduced many interesting AI innovations at the time.
Agenda pada konferensi tahun ini tidak mengalami banyak perubahan. Google mengatakan bahwa mereka, " akan memulai hari pertama dengan keynote, diikuti oleh sesi, demo, keluangan networking, dan banyak lagi yang akan berlanjut di hari kedua."
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