JAKARTA Apple Intelligence is one of the major breakthroughs Apple has developed. This innovation includes various advanced features that can be accessed every time Apple releases major updates.
The AI-based feature on the iPhone was first launched via iOS 18.1 about three months ago. Apple did not launch all its AI-based features in the update because some features still need to be developed. Therefore, other features are visible on iOS 18.2.
Although Apple Intelligence updates are not visible on iOS 18.3, Apple will launch more AI features on iOS 18.4. This operating system (OS) has not yet started testing, but there are already some features expected. The following is a list of features that may be available on iOS 18.4.
Screen Awareness Of Siri
Apple wants to make its phone performance feel smoother and of course easier. Instead of explaining orders in a complicated way, Apple wants to make Siri easier to understand what users want.
The company will release a feature called Screen Awareness. The concept is simple, which is to see what the user sees. For example, when someone sends an address on iMessage, you can ask Siri to save the address.
Siri Operates Several Applications At The Same Time
The next feature, which is almost similar to Samsung, is the ability to take app actions. Siri can perform hundreds of app actions without the need to open them. This capability is supported by a system called App Intents.
Thanks to this ability, iPhone users can order several tasks at once. For example, users can ask Siri to search for the desired photo, edit the photo, then save it in the folder they want to find easily.
Find The Forgotten Thing
Siri will be the best assistant on iOS 18.4. When iPhone users forget something, this virtual assistant can help it by taking advantage of the main knowledge of its users.
Siri can search for what its users need. For example, when users forget where they list the shopping list to buy, Siri will look for the topic in the email, message chat room, or even a note.
Priority Notification
On iOS 18.4, iPhone users will not forget about the agenda or important things because AI will really help him. Apple will bring the Priority Notification feature so that the most important notification will be at the top.
To manage a sequence of notifications, Apple Intelligence uses language understanding so that it can determine the level of its interests. That way, users will not miss important messages that should not be missed.
In addition to the four features mentioned, Apple is expected to release the Sketsa option on the Image Playground. The company will also add new languages and bring Apple Intelligence support to the European Union.
The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)