JAKARTA - OpenAI, an artificial intelligence (AI) company backed by Microsoft, has launched ChatGPT Gov, a special version of the ChatGPT designed for US government agencies, according to a statement on the company's official blog on Tuesday, January 28.
OpenAI revealed that government agencies can use the ChatGPT Gov in their own Microsoft Azure commercial cloud. This version will offer many features and capabilities available on ChatGPT Enterprise, including custom customizable GPT.
Tight Competition With DeepSek
The launch comes hours after OpenAI CEO Sam Altman announced on platform X that his company will accelerate several new product releases. This statement comes after China's AI startup DeepSek surprised the market with its free AI assistant that surpassed ChatGPT in the number of downloads on Apple's App Store.
DeepSek's success in rapidly attracting users has increased investor supervision of billions of dollars invested in US technology companies in AI development.
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