JAKARTA - What happens if a large asteroid hits the earth. Even space experts predict this catastrophe will occur in Europe to North America.

If that's the scenario that experts envision when discussed at the Planetary Defense Conference 2021 in Vienna, Austria on April 26-30. As the name, this conference will be a place for scientists to plan if there is an asteroid that has the potential to hit Earth.

Launching the Daily Star, scientists and space experts will simulate the '2021 PDC Hypothetical Asteroid Impact Scenario' compiled by the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS). In this simulation, scientists will calculate the danger and location of evacuation if an asteroid has the potential to hit Earth.

In this scenario, scientists find the asteroid on April 21 and the monitoring system identifies that the space object will hit Earth on October 20, 2021. This means that Earth only has 6 months to make a rescue plan.

"A blow to a densely populated city can cause millions of deaths, and a blow to the water would cause massive flooding on the coastline", wrote the 2021 Planetary Defense Conference.

It was stated by the Planetary Defense Conference 2021 that an asteroid would hit Europe, North America, and parts of Africa. Meanwhile, Asia, Indonesia, Australia, and the Pacific region are safe from being hit as temporary refugee camps.

Although realistic, CNEOS and NASA emphasize that this is only a fictional scenario. But this is certainly a learning medium for analyzing real events of asteroids that will actually hit Earth someday.

"Any major impact will cause damage, injury, and death, and will create a worldwide humanitarian and refugee crisis", the scenario created by CNEOS.

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