JAKARTA - FYQD-Studio developer announced that he would release the first person action game entitled Bright Memory: Infinite for iOS and Android on January 17 for $4.99.

These iOS and Android versions are taken from PC versions, and support Xbox controllers, virtual button customization, gyroscope shots, and 120 fps support (only Android).

Bright Memory: Infinite is currently available for PC via Steam on November 11, 2021, followed by PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and Switch on July 21, 2022.

The game is set in 2036, where a peculiar phenomenon scientists cannot explain has occurred in the sky around the world.

As one of the agents of the Science Research Organization (SRO) sent to various regions, you have the task of investigating the strange phenomenon.

Created by FYQD-Studio, Bright Memory: Infinite is a sequel to the popular Bright Memory. However, this sequel features a completely new world, along with a newly upgraded battle system and level design.

For Bright Memory: Infinite, I want to focus on adding content to provide a more satisfying experience for the players. As a result, development takes three times longer than Bright Memory," wrote the developer in his game caption on Steam.

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