JAKARTA Since June last year, the Google Play Store has received a bug that removes certain apps from the Postponed Downloads page. Although it doesn't interfere with the performance of the app, this problem hasn't been solved yet.

All apps requiring updates will enter the Postponed Downloads page. That way, users can directly update their apps through that page. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen to the system app.

Users may get a notification that they should update a specific system app. When the notification is taped, they will be redirected to Delayed Downloads, but no system app is displayed on that page.

This problem continued for several months and began to have an impact on other app models. Last September, 9to5google noted that this bug also affected Google's app, YouTube.

It's unclear why Google took so long just to solve this problem. Most likely, this bug only has an impact on a small fraction of users or Google has difficulty eliminating the problem.

In the latest findings on January 1, this Google Play Store bug seems to affect more applications, but is mostly a system and app application developed by Google.

There are six affected applications, namely Android Switch, Android System Intelligence, Google Partner Setup, Google Wi-Fi Provider, Settings Services, and YouTube. It is not certain when Google will fix this problem.

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