JAKARTA Spotify Car Thing, a special device designed to listen to Spotify music in a car, was stopped last May. In fact, this device was only launched in 2022.
Although Spotify Car Thing sales have been discontinued, this device can still be accessed for several months. However, according to Spotify's statement a few months ago, this device has been officially disabled since Monday, December 9.
When Car Thing users activate the device, they will see a message that reads that the service is no longer operating. Spotify also provides messages related to refunds before mid-January.
"Thank you for following this trip with us, goodbye. For more information, visit carthing.com. Contact customer service no later than January 14, 2025 to discuss your refund option," Spotify wrote.
When Spotify announced the news of the termination of the Car Thing service for the first time, the company said it was in the form of simplifying product offerings. This is done to support sustainable efforts.
"We understand that this may be disappointing, but this decision allows us to focus on developing new features and refinements that will ultimately provide a better experience," Spotify said some time ago.
Although the device is not working, Spotify advises Car Thing users to reset their devices to factory settings. In addition, users are asked to dispose of their devices according to the electronic waste guidelines.
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