JAKARTA - Garena has released the latest Free Fire update patch, Winterland: Aurora. As the name implies, this patch update comes with various updates that bring players to a snowy world with beautiful aurora views.

Not only appearance, various additional new gamesplay, new characters and vehicles, to adjustment of character and weapons skills are also present for all players.

This change will come for the two main game modes in Free Fire, namely Battle Royale (BR) and Clash Squad (CS) in the following details:

Snowful Maps And Aurora

With the winter theme, theapprobemap will be covered in a lot of snow. Not only that, the river on the young map will also freeze and snow will fall in the Clock Tower and Factory areas, with hanging lights, gift boxes, lidar trees, and ice statues.

Frosty Track (Ice Channel)

Players will get a sliding rail called the Ice Line that can bring players around in several areas on theā–alternatif map. Players can climb the rail while shooting, turning, and using a skill. This Ice Line will be available in BR and CS mode.

Frosty Machine

Players will get three types of Frosty Machines throughout the game. Frosty Machine Ice Box will periodically provide wearers such as weapons and med kits.

Event Aurora

Not just a sight, aurora in Winterland will provide a puff for players who interact with a special Coin Machine. Aurora in Coin Machine will come in a different color with different effects as well as for players.

New Character: Koda The Snow Fox!

In the last update patch at the end of 2024, Free Fire will present a new character named Koda, the Snow Fox.

The character who wears this cotton mask combines technological advances with nature to bring irreplaceable strength on the battlefield. Starting December 13, 2024, Koda will come with unique skills on the battlefield.

Character Adjustment: Alvaro, To Ryden Get Buff

One of the characters that will get the biggest buffer is Alvaro. Meanwhile, Skyer will get a buffer that will allow it to destroy GloowWall with the help of Auto Aim when using skills.

Buffs are also given to Ryden and Lila with their respective skills. For complete information about the character's rework, it can be found here.

Account Recovery System Creates Password Forgot Survivors

Free Fire's latest patch will provide better protection for the player's account by providing the OTP Binding feature. With this feature, players can bin Free Fire accounts with their emails.

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