JAKARTA Notion, a software developer that has been around since 2013, introduced a new app called Mail. As the name implies, this app can be used to manage and filter emails.

According to Notion, email applications develop slowly and do not keep up with the times so that the user's performance and productivity can be disrupted. One of the problems that Notion highlighted was the context of mixed and difficult-to-separated emails.

When a user only has one email account, various types of messages will enter his account. Whatever the type of message, ranging from office needs, party invitations, to promotions, all messages will accumulate in one place and can become spam.

"Instead of having to deal with a continuous wave of messages, emails should feel like reliable steering that helps you navigate workflows, project updates, upcoming meetings," said Notion.

Unlike other email applications, the Notion Mail can be adjusted to the type of message thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI). The main view of this application can set the entry box based on the workflow so that users can easily access certain types of emails.

"So, if for example you're trying to recruit someone, the Notion Mail automatically groupes the email into a'recruitment' and provides another'show' for project updates and customer support," explains Mail.

Notion hasn't revealed the launch date of the app yet, but Mail will be released next year. To gain initial access to this app, you must join the Wait List via the official Notion website.

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