JAKARTA The latest analytical results from the Pew Research Center stated that the majority of US adults on TikTok follow influencer accounts or content creators. The percentage is 46 percent.

Compared to other large accounts such as pop cultural figures or celebrities, the number of followers of political accounts, community leaders, media, and journalists is very small. Even if these accounts are added up, the percentage will not reach the influencer account.

"However, they only follow a few politicians, community leaders, or traditional media and journalists. Each of these groups covers less than half of the 1 percent of the accounts we check," Pew said on its official website.

Meanwhile, from the results of the Pew Research survey, about 95 percent of US adults use TikTok as entertainment, while 41 percent for news, and 36 percent for others want to keep up with current political developments.

Although political content is quite a lot followed, TikTok users in the US only see and interact with passing content in the FYP. They are not interested in following their accounts so that the accounts of politicians, media, and others occupy the lowest percentage.

"This content is relatively rare on the accounts they choose to follow. About one in ten accounts that are followed are posting content related to political or social issues, and only 5 percent are discussing news, current events, or the latest news," explained Pew.

In line with the results of this survey, US adults on TikTok prefer to follow entertaining content such as pop, comedy, and others. Pop culture and entertainment are ranked at the top with 59 percent, while music and dance are in second place with 37 percent.

In the next position is comedy content and humor with 36 percent and a story or vlog with 30 percent. Political content is in eighth place with 10 percent of interested users. Even though it's quite small, this content is more interested than news content.

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