YOGYAKARTA In simple terms, the constellation is a group of stars in outer space that appear and produce a certain pattern. The appearance of the constellation can be seen when the sky is clear from night to early morning, both with binoculars and naked eyes. Regarding when the constellation begins to appear, the answer is that it depends on the constellation.

There are many constellations with different functions. Usually these constellations appear regularly every year and can be seen from the hemisphere. This means that when you can see the constellations can depend on many things, starting from what type of constellations will be seen to which hemisphere the constellations will be seen given the existence of different time zones.

For those of you who want to see the constellation, here we present a summary of the schedule for its appearance according to the time in Indonesia.

Historically, the Rasi Orion was inspired by the figure of Greek mythology, Orion. Its shape resembles a hunter who directs an arrow. In Indonesia, the Rasi Orion is used as a marker time for planting. In Indonesia, this constellation can be seen at night from October to early May.

This race is very popular, especially in the Southern hemisphere. The size is indeed quite small, but it has important functions, especially in the field of navigation and astronomy in general. The Rasi Crux schedule can actually be seen throughout the year and can be seen in South Indonesia, peaked in April.

Rasi Ursa Mayor is defined as a big bear. This ratio consists of seven stars and resembles a dipper. Ursa Mayor is used as a pointing pointer, especially by sailors who are sailing in order to determine the north direction. This ratio can be seen throughout the year in the northern sky.

The name rasi is actually more familiar with zodiac. In the world ofnicism, Rasi Scorpio is useful as the leader of the East and Southeast. This ratio will be very visible especially during the dry season, which is around June-August.

This race is shaped like the letter A, usually adjacent to other rasi such as Pisces, Triangulum, Perseus, Pegasus. Because it is adjacent to another constellation, Rasi Andromeda is often used to find other constellations for research purposes. This ratio can be seen in the North sky. Its appearance will be clearly visible in November.

In science, Rasi Sagittarius is used to find the center of the Milky Way galaxy. This ratio is in the Southern hemisphere. To see Rasi Sagittarius needs to be scheduled at night when the weather is sunny during August.

The word 'Cygnus' in Greek means goose. This ratio can be seen in the North part of the sky. This ratio can be seen at night starting at 21.00 in September. So that the vision is clearer, choose when the sky is clear so that it is not cloudy.

That's information regarding when the constellation will start to appear. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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