JAKARTA Google's efforts at highlighting search engines or search engines are not considered either by the US Department of Justice (DOJ). For this action, Google is considered to be monopolizing online search engines. Following up on the antitrust lawsuit filed in 2022, DOJ will submit a proposal to judges to limit Google's capabilities. Reportedly, DOJ will propose the dissolution of Google so that Android and Chrome become independent. Based on the New York Times report, DOJ is considering several options and most frequently discussed is the dissolution of units under Google. Several units will be forced to divest so that Google is no longer superior. So far, units that may be forced to divest are Android and Chrome. Both are targeted by DOJ for contributing to the dominance of online searches. Chrome, in particular Android, makes Google Search a default search engine. Another unit that may be forced to divest is Google Ads. However, this is still uncertain. DOJ may require Google to sell its data license to its search engine competitors such as Microsoft's Bing and DuckDuckGo.

Another possibility, the DOJ will not take an extreme approach. They may only impose a ban on the type of exclusive contract. For example, Google asks certain devices to make Search a default search engine. All of these options are still being considered and nothing has been decided even though Google has been declared to have violated the Antitrust Act. To avoid decisions that harm the company, Google will appeal to the court in September.

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