JAKARTA While using Google's mobile app, all queries searched for using Google Search will be saved into account history. In the near future, users can keep their search queries a secret. Google Chrome has the Incognito feature to hide all user activities during surfing on the internet. Based on 9to5google findings, this feature will be added to the search page directly in the Google app. This feature with the name Chrome Incognito will appear in pill form at the top of the keyboard. Although placed on the top left side of the keyboard, the appearance of this feature is striking because of its large size and dynamic color. Once launched, users who have just opened the Google app and clicked on the search bar will get a speech message and a fairly detailed explanation regarding the use of the Chrome Incognito feature.

From Google's explanation, this feature will not hide the history of sites you've visited. If users use office or school accounts, all activities can still be seen even if the Incognito feature is activated. "If you already have Incognito mode in Chrome, cookies and other data can be used across the Incognito tab. Data from your Incognito session will only be removed from Chrome when you close all Incognito tabs," explains Google. Chrome Incognito for Google Search is being tested in the Google app version 15.31 beta for Android devices. This feature is still being tested for a small part of users so it is not yet known when the feature will be launched.

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