JAKARTA - In the digital era, the internet is certainly one of the important needs for everyone. However, a bad internet connection or slowness will definitely hamper some of your activities.

Therefore, it is important for you to know how fast the internet connection is, by conducting internet speed tests both through websites and applications.

Here are some websites and apps that you can use to easily check your internet speed.

The first way you can do to test internet speed is to visit internet speed test sites that are available for free.

Some of the recommended sites include:

The way it is used is also very easy, you only need to open one of these sites through a web browser, and follow the instructions given to start speed testing.

Apart from using a website, you can also download a special application that will help you do internet speed tests.

Some of the popular apps that you can use the XL version of are:

You can search for the application in the app store on your device, then download and run the app to perform speed testing.

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