JAKARTA - TRON founder Justin Sun won in a defamation lawsuit at the Chinese People's Court against Chongqing Business Media Group. The court ruled that the Media violated the law and defamed Sun by publishing unverified content.

The Chongqing District Court Yubei ordered the Media to remove all false content and issue an apology statement to Sun, who had long been the target of misrepresentation of the media. In a statement, Media acknowledged that it had published false content without fact or evidence examination, which seriously damaged Sun's reputation.

Quoted from Blockworks, Sun said on X, The spread of rumors finally issued an apology on the People's Court website, although it took two years, justice finally came.

The apology came after two years of legal battles. After hundreds of hours of thorough gathering of facts and trials, the Chongqing Yubei District Court ruled that the Media violated the law and defamed Sun by publishing fully unverified media content, including articles and videos.

The court ordered the defendant to withdraw all false content and issue a public apology to Sun in the national newspaper. No party has filed an appeal within the specified period, so the decision is a final decision.


This victory is a strong rebuttal to many rumors circulating and restoring Sun's personal reputation. The court reviewed broad evidence and documentation from both parties before reaching a verdict. This ruling sends strong signals to all media outlets: citing unverified sources and disseminating unfounded information is likely to violate the law and damage their own reputation.

The case began on March 11, 2022 when Media published an article on news platform Southeastmoney.com. The article states that Sun was 'involved in insider trading,' fled overseas to avoid the ICO ban, involved in fraud and money laundering, and is being investigated by the IRS and the FBI, as well as other claims. This baseless article quickly went viral, taken by many other media outlets, and seriously damaged Sun's reputation and the TRON ecosystem.

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