JAKARTA - Logan Paul has taken legal action by filing a defamation lawsuit against Stephen Findeisen, known as Coffeezilla on YouTube. The lawsuit was filed on June 27 at the San Antonio District Court, Texas, and relates to Findeisen's videos of Paul's failed non-fungible token (NFT) project, CryptoZoo, in 2022.

In his lawsuit, Paul accused Findeisen of being evil and repeatedly spreading false statements accusing Paul of committing fraud related to a problematic blockchain project called CryptoZoo. Paul sought to hold Findeisen accountable for his actions and significant damage to his reputation through the deliberate spread of slander.

Starting at the end of 2022, Coffeezilla released three YouTube videos calling CryptoZoo Logan Paul's biggest fraud. Findeisen accused Paul of defrauding his fans by holding NFT holder funds without providing the promised project. However, Paul claims that Findeisen deliberately ignored information showing Paul's sincere commitment to CryptoZoo's success.

Paul explained that he had been tricked by several trusted advisors who turned out to be a fraud. "Findeisen knows very well that Paul never intended to deceive anyone, but instead always intends to build a legitimate blockchain-based game."


Paul attributed the failure of the project to Eduardo Eddiez, whom he described as a fraudster who lied about his credentials, and Jake Greenbaum, an advisor who prioritized personal gains rather than creating legitimate projects. In particular, Paul initially considered legal action against Findeisen in 2022 but decided to focus on improving the situation by implementing a $1.5 million recovery plan for CryptoZoo. However, he was disappointed when his efforts were fruitless.

The lawsuit reveals that Paul personally spent $1 million to buy back NFT between January and March, despite not earning from the project. In his lawsuit, Paul demanded compensation of more than $75,000, along with interest, attorney fees, and additional compensation to be determined by the court.

CryptoZoo, introduced in 2021, is envisioned as a game in which players can buy NFT eggs using project tokens, ZOO. These eggs will hatch into married animals to create hybrid creatures, which players can trade and get more ZOO tokens based on their scarcity. ZOO tokens have experienced a significant decline, with zero market cap and a minimum trading volume of 1 cent in the past day, according to CoinMarketCap data.

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