JAKARTA - The Formula 1 Grand Prix event has its own tips to keep racing in the midst of the corona virus outbreak. F1 turns its racing arena into the realm of eSports by launching a virtual Grand Prix.

Launching from the Formula 1 page, the race schedule to be held is the Bahrain Grand Prix on Sunday, March 22. This virtual race can be watched live streaming on YouTube, Facebook and Twitch.

The F1 drivers will continue to follow the qualifying results from the previous races. However, the difference is that these drivers will not take to the circuit, but will drive remotely and compete in the Virtual Grand Prix.

This is done to ensure the safety and health of drivers, amid fears of the corona virus. This virtual race configuration will be carried out in the F1 2019 simulation game.

Two Formula 1 riders, Max Verstappen and Lando Norris, have already tried out this virtual racing game at the 'All-star Esports battle' event. They competed against professional gamers at the time.

Although competing virtually, this F1 driver will continue to compete as many as 28 laps, with a difficulty level that has been adjusted in such a way. So that the riders still feel the sensation of racing like on a real circuit track.

In fact, Verstappen and Lando Norris admitted that racing virtually through the game was quite difficult. The two riders from the Red Bull team only managed to get 11th place and won one game from the three qualifying rounds.

"Unfortunately we did not reach the final. Involved in a collision with another racer. We still need to train again. This is an extraordinary event. Can't wait to come again," said the 22-year-old racer from Holland.

In fact, F1 was forced to postpone five schedules from the Dutch and Spanish GP series related to the corona virus pandemic. The F1 racing association (FIA) was even forced to cancel the Monaco GP which was supposed to be held for the 2020 season. Thus, there is only one race season left at the Azerbaijan GP which can continue to be held on the next 5-7 June 2020 at the Baku City Circuit, Baku.

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